About us

Inclusion Czech Republic has been here for people with intellectual disabilities and their close ones for over 50 years. We have more than 7,000 members in 57 branch associations in 14 regions of the Czech Republic.

WHAT WE DO: We defend the rights of people with intellectual disabilities and their families. We help people with intellectual disabilities live the way they like and want. We teach people with intellectual disabilities new skills. We teach other people how to live, work, learn and have fun with people with intellectual disabilities. Our current projects and activities can be found in this section.

WHAT WE CAMPAIGN FOR: We promote the rights and interests of people with intellectual disabilities and their families. You will find our main campaigns and areas of work in this section.

You can find CURRENT EVENTS on our Facebook profile, in the News section, on our Youtube channel, or you can subscribe to our Newsletter.


We are an active member of these platforms

National Council of People with Disabilities (NRZP) - a national umbrella organization for people with disabilities. www.nrzp.cz 

Unity for Deinstitutionalisation (JDI) - an association of organizations and individuals who fight to ensure that people with disabilities can live in the community, in their natural and familiar environment and do not have to spend their lives in institutional care far from family, acquaintances and to lose their roots. www.jdicz.eu 

Inclusion Europe - the European organization of people with intellectual disabilities and their families. www.inclusion-europe.org 

Inclusion International - the World organization of people with intellectual disabilities and their families. www.inclusion-international.org 

Local branches

Our local branches organise many formal and informal activities - friendly meetings, sharing and education, leisure activities, sports clubs, trips or social events. More information about rehabilitation stays, association activities, leisure activities and other activities of individual branch associations can be found here.

The Board of Inclusion Czech Republic 

The Board is the statutory body of the Association. The members of the Board are: the chairman and vice-chairmen of the Association, other representatives elected by the National Conference and the director of the Association. The members of the Board are from all regions of the Czech Republic and include parents of people with intellectual disabilities, volunteers from the community and other interested people (e.g. from services). The Board currently has 19 members. The Board meets at least four times a year.

The list of Board members and their contacts can be found here.

Statutes of Inclusion Czech Republic

In the Statutes of Inclusion Czech Republic approved by the National Conference, you will find all important information about the structure, mission and activities of the Association. You can open and download the Articles of Association here (only in Czech).